White Collar Defense
When the government goes on offense, we help level the playing field.
Clients facing government prosecution need more than just arguments. They need impactful evidence and intelligence. We help defense counsel outmaneuver government investigators, challenge prosecution narratives, and build stronger positions for their clients.
We find what matters. Obscure or elusive records or witness accounts provide alternate explanations. Industry sources provide essential context. Documents expose critical flaws in government theories.
Our approach both adapts to and informs defense strategy. We reconstruct events or reveal patterns to demonstrate compliance. Find and interview witnesses to challenge prosecution assumptions. Or illuminate standard practices to normalize conduct.
We move quickly and efficiently when time is of the essence. Our teams know where to look, what to ask, and how to find information that shapes case outcomes. We understand both defensive needs and government tactics.
Defense teams partner with us when the stakes are highest. From the earliest stages of a defense matter through trial, we deliver the information, intelligence, and evidence needed to prevail.